April 13, 2011

seasons change

J'adore Spring!  And this one, although not in full bloom, I am especially looking forward to.  I NEED this Spring.  I need the flowers to burst with color, the trees filled with leaves...I even need the misty showers...warm and wet.  I need the sun to beam down on me....thaw out my icy broken heart.  I am the sun.  I need to learn to shine my light in all seasons of my life. 

Because this winter here....it almost took all of my strength, my courage...my faith.  It almost strangled the hope and love and....life out of me.  It almost choked any possibility of dreams fulfilled and destinies reached.  It clawed and jabbed and stabbed and....marked me.  But then.....

I walked a brisk, determined walk to my apartment after work today.  Pulling myself into each step....rushing as usual.  Then I thought...it's SPRING.  A dawning came over me as I slowed my pace....observing the now familiar buildings, trees...bushes.  One that looked barren was starting to bud...little baby buds.  I almost missed it for the rush.  I exhaled.  Spring.  I need this.  I want this.  I smile, finally, in this.  My heart is on the mend and I sing inside. GLORY HALLELUJAH!

The winter of my life is over.  What's next?


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