I'll admit...I noticed. Any black woman that's been a black girl noticed. Cause hair is a BIG part of our identity. But Good God! To make an issue about this child's hair to the point that actual articles are being written on major websites about the overdone weave and "hair hatin'"....shame!
I noticed, then I shrugged it off to HARD TIMES. Obviously. I mean, getting a fresh do was not a priority for her or her family. She was too busy preparing to become the first African-American female to win team & individual GOLD at the Olympics. And I guess her mama was too busy um.....paying BILLS! Sigh. So she did the best she could....with a truckload of gel. Trust me, I've been there.
I had become used to getting my hair done every two weeks after I transitioned from the curl (it was cute and wavy NOT the drip drip kind!...) to the relaxer. That is until I went to college and my mother moved back to Chicago. My every two week ritual was no longer a priority to my family. I was BROKE. So broke that one Easter, I couldn't bear the thought of NOT having my hair done so I scraped up a few dollars, bought a box perm, and went to my grandmother's house in the country to apply the chemicals like I THOUGHT I had seen the professionals do so many times. How hard could it be??? Sigh. Let's just say that was the first...and the last time I've relaxed my own hair. I had so much new growth still after the application...my hair was looking just like Gabby's. Sitting fat on top of my head. Thank God it didn't fall out! Immediate tears.
Anyway, it's mainly black folks talking about her. I bet it's been discussed on Tom Joyner & Steve Harvey...I'm not positive because I don't listen to all that foolishness first thing in the morning. But I just know how WE do. Cracking jokes. Scorin'. Jesting. And just plain tearing each other down in the name of "I jus playin'" and a laugh. That's why so many of us are walking around with complexes and self-image issues now! My people. Sigh.
bite of the day ~ Folks will praise you one minute, and tear you down the next. Best thing to do is not let either go to your head or your heart. Do you Gabby!
Very well put! I love your view and perspective on things and your writing style, keep up the good work
People need to stop hating on Gabby. I'm black and every black girl has had one of THOSE days. But when you go to the Olympics at 16, be the first black girl to win the all around gymnastic and singles, and wave that gold medal in front of the camera.... Then you can start talking. Oh wait....already claimed by Douglas. So STOP TALKING