I had my whole evening planned.
After scurrying in from the cold, I would unwind with a bit of reading from my God's Calling book and Woman Thou Art Loosed Bible, then listen to something to empower my spirit further and calm my mind (it's a Pastor Winston night)....actually cook a nice complete meal....protein, fresh veggies, colored starch (something I haven't done on the regular lately)....meanwhile fold the laundry in the dryer (oops still a little damp)...ok, dry the laundry still in the dryer then wash a load of whites while folding the first. Enjoy my Christmas tree (FABULOUS! :-)) while eating and catching up on some re-runs of Criminal Minds (Shemar...yum!) The rest of the night would be devoted to completing Episode Two of my web series (more on this later ...smile), which I started last week and have yet to return to. Sooo stoked about finally getting some writing done when.....
The phone rings.
It rings in mid-chew of crunchy lettuce, peppers, tomato...and a close-up of Shemar. Darn. I left it charging in the kitchen. After ring two and a lingering glance at the screen, I decided to run for it. One of my best friends....since 6th grade best friend....exchange deep secrets best friend....quality not quantity best friend.....her name popped up on the caller id. Split second decision. If I pick up, the rest of my evening will be thrown off. Toast. Busted. I NEED TO WRITE! Sigh.
As quickly as those thoughts came, I also remembered this day is not about me. My FRIEND is calling. It may be important. Then again it may not. So I picked up. It wasn't important. But after 15 minutes of trying to finish eating, lock eyes with Shemar AND listen to her, something dawned on me. For over a year, she has listened to me, counselled me, empathized with me, prayed for me....me me me for over a year consistently. And tonight, she just wanted to TALK. So I turned off the television, put my plate away and gave my best friend since 6th grade my attention. And when we hung up an hour and a half later with our I love yous and see you soon, I was glad I hadn't wasted my TIME. Selah.
bite of the day ~ Give yourself away.